Evolution Events

Bringing Big City Entertainment to Small Towns in Arizona, Supporting Local Talent!

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Our Mission

Join us in revolutionizing entertainment in small towns across Arizona! We are dedicated to hosting fundraising events that support local talent and bring top-notch entertainment to your doorstep.

Say goodbye to long drives to the city for a night out. Our events not only entertain but also uplift up-and-coming artists, giving them a platform to shine in front of a larger audience.

Experience the thrill of supporting your community while enjoying quality, family-friendly entertainment right in your neighborhood!

Meet Us

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Founder & Visionary
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Marketing Guru

Got Questions? We Have Answers!

How can I get involved in events?

Join our community and stay updated on upcoming events through our website or social media channels! Don't miss out on the fun!

Are the events family-friendly?

Absolutely! We pride ourselves on providing quality, family-friendly entertainment that everyone can enjoy. Bring the whole family along!

Do you support local artists?

Yes, we are passionate about supporting local talent and giving them a platform to showcase their skills. Your attendance helps uplift these artists!

Can I volunteer at events?

We love volunteers! Reach out to us through our website or social media to learn more about how you can get involved and support our cause!

How can I sponsor an event?

If you're interested in sponsoring one of our events and supporting local talent, please contact us directly. Your contribution makes a huge difference in our mission!

Unbelievable talent showcased in every event! A must-see for all music lovers.

Tommy Rock

Latest News & Updates

Mobirise Website Builder
March 28, 2024
Empowering Small-Town Artists

Discover the highlights of our recent concert supporting local talent.

Mobirise Website Builder
March 15, 2024
Community Vibes

Get a glimpse into the heartwarming moments shared at our events.

Mobirise Website Builder
March 10, 2024
Unleashing Talent

Witness the raw talent that lights up our stages.

Empowering Local Talent

Join us in the movement to support small-town artists and bring entertainment to rural communities in Arizona!

No more boring nights in the middle of nowhere. We're here to shake things up and bring the party to you!

Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions, from laughter to tears, as we showcase the best talent Arizona has to offer.

Join the Movement, Support Talent!

Be part of the change and experience unforgettable entertainment.

Unleash the Fun
Bringing Big Entertainment to Small Towns
Talent Showcase

Discover the next big stars and enjoy evenings filled with talent and excitement in your local community.

Get in Touch

Contact Us






360 E Monte Vista
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

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